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Pet Food Plant

Our rapid response and careful planning allowed us to safely improve the soil bearing capacity under a pet food plant.

Ground Improvement—Installing Vibratory Stone Columns

Project Overview

A partner retained CNC Foundations to improve the soil’s bearing capacity underneath the proposed site of a pet food plant. The construction site had multiple elevations.

Why CNC Foundations Was Retained

We were awarded the contract because we quickly submitted a detailed proposal and asked a secondary engineering company to review our designs for accuracy and safety.

Our Solution

After carefully analyzing the soil, we determined that vibratory stone columns (VSCs) were the best solution. We set up three crane towers because of the multiple elevations and mapped out their zone of influence. We then worked with the partner to determine where to pour concrete for settlement control. Our project managers visited the site multiple times to ensure everything was on schedule and within budget.

Results Of The Project

The project was completed on time, and construction was resumed. Our partner was impressed by our professionalism and will work with us again in the future.

Project Details

Pet Food Plant, Manufacturing

VSC/Ground Improvement

Western Ohio

Bearing Capacity / Settlement Control

Ground Improvement Services Provided by CNC Foundations

Aggregate Piers

Aggregate piers are stiff columns of stone injected into the ground. They work by reinforcing soft soil conditions, stabilizing the ground enough to support multistory buildings, industrial facilities, or warehouses.

Vibro Stone Columns

VSCs are a series of pillars made of crushed stone that are drilled into the soil using a vibrating tool. They improve soil bearing capacity by increasing overall soil strength.

Displacement Piles

Displacement piles minimize foundational disturbances and reduce site waste by replacing the material they’re driven into. CNC Foundations provides the following displacement pile solutions:

Rigid Inclusions

Rigid Inclusions improve ground stability for weak, compressible, or soft soils. Installation involves a reverse flight displacement auger with high torque capacity that drills holes into the ground. The auger drills the Rigid Inclusions past soft soil into denser soil to increase bearing capacity. Applications for Rigid Inclusions include:

  • Rail loading docks
  • Water tanks
  • Bridge abutments
  • Embankments

Vibro Concrete Columns (VCCs)

VCCs are great for areas that require higher loads and need to be installed through very soft soils. A versatile ground improvement technique, VCCs are adjustable to fit a variety of soil conditions. Other benefits of VCCs include:

  • Quick installation
  • Little spoil generation
  • Accelerated soft soil drainage.

Not sure what geotechnical solution can work for your job? We can help.

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