Chicagoland Data Center Case Study
Delivering Quality in Rapid Order
Delivering Quality in Rapid Order
We have always been committed to delivering first-rate services and doing more for our customers than they expect. When this project needed our help as soon as possible, we were able to go from the first call to starting installation in just one month.
Project: Data Center
Location: Chicago, IL
Product Type: Aggregate Piers/VSCs
The existing fill on the job site consisted of loose silt, sand, clay, and gravel. It could not successfully sustain the weight of the proposed structure. Without intervention, it ran the risk of significant future settlement.
Settlement, to some degree, is a natural part of a building’s life cycle within the first few years following construction. Excessive settling can become an issue that weakens the foundation, causing cracks, and impacting building services like plumbing.
One of the leading causes of significant settlement is a weak bearing soil like the conditions that were present for this project. Issues with settlement can be resolved later in the life of a building, but it is always best to be proactive about these issues.
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We installed aggregate piers/vibratory stone columns (VSC). The proposed depth was up to 30 feet but worked out to an average of about 21 feet was needed once we were in the field. CNC Foundations can adapt to changes in the field like this thanks to our years of experience and our extensive library of products and materials.
Based on field reports showing topsoil, Aggregate Piers/Vibratory Stone Columns (VSCs) were an acceptable method. There were about 350 linear feet of strip footings and several column pads, so VSCs were recommended as an economical alternative to undercutting the soils under the footings.
Emergency installation. The client called and needed us as soon as possible and we were able to get on-site very quickly (about 3 weeks from the initial call). This included a proposal, expedited submittals and approval, several conference calls, and mobilization to the site.
The depth and exact characteristics of soils on site were still in question because the soils report provided didn’t have accurate soil information at the location of our work. We were told topsoil was found to be about 15’ to 20’ below the bottom of footings. For the sake of the submittals, we needed to have a conservative estimate of 30’ to be adequately prepared for the worst-case scenario.
In addition, existing adjacent footings were already poured and we needed to install them very close to them. The biggest challenge was making sure we did not damage our equipment or the footings that were there.
Overall, it was a successful installation. We were able to expedite the entire process for them including contract, submittals, mobilization, and installation.
The General Contractor was pleased with our overall performance and responsiveness. We were able to save over a hundred thousand dollars versus undercutting the footings in this corner of the building and keep the project on schedule.